Knowing God


Doxa Deo Kids 

Welcome to Doxa Deo Kids! 

May this be the beginning of a discovery journey, where you will not only be convinced of the importance of the ministry to children but where you will be constantly challenged to grow and become all God called you to be. We believe in raising City Changers… and that means YOU! We have seen how people grow and develop in and through our ministry. Our teachings are solid but easy enough that even the smallest child can understand thus making it understandable to the adults that join our ministry as well! We trust that you will learn to love children the way God does and see how they grow and blossom under your care. May you also witness the impact that you will have on your fellow called-ones, children and parents alike. 


Download our printable questionnaire in the course.

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Doxa Deo Kids 

Welcome to Doxa Deo Kids! 

May this be the beginning of a discovery journey, where you will not only be convinced of the importance of the ministry to children but where you will be constantly challenged to grow and become all God called you to be. We believe in raising City Changers… and that means YOU! We have seen how people grow and develop in and through our ministry. Our teachings are solid but easy enough that even the smallest child can understand thus making it understandable to the adults that join our ministry as well! We trust that you will learn to love children the way God does and see how they grow and blossom under your care. May you also witness the impact that you will have on your fellow called-ones, children and parents alike. 


Download our printable questionnaire in the course.


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