Step 4


Within Doxa Deo KIDS we firmly believe in Teamwork. Giving each child the best possible chance to Know God, Love People and Impact their World, only happens when we work together. 

No one person have all the gifts and capabilities needed for this immense task. God made each of us unique, for a reason. He wants us to take hands and work together so that one person’s strength is there to compensate for another’s weakness

We are better together!

Or as John Maxwell puts it…

T – Together
E – Everyone
A – Achieves
M – More’

meet the team

  • Meet the team that you will serve with at the next KIDS gathering.
  • Decide where you want to serve and start shadowing a leader who is already in that role.
  • Your KIDS Leader will provide you with the schedule and times of team meetings and services.
  • We ask that you sit in for four weeks, each week at a different age group so that you get an overview of what we do and which age group looks best suited for your gifting. These weeks do not have to be four consecutive weeks.
  • Get a serving roster and adreslist for your chosen group.

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