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Read her story in Acts 16.
So here we have Lydia a businesswoman in Philippi who is a great benefit to the financial markets of the City and an influencer. Once she discovers her identity in Christ, not only does she function in her God-given purpose, she immediately shares this with her family – a life giver of note, who can’t keep this goodness to herself.
Her posture and the reality she lives from is an unashamed one. In verse 15 she asks: “If you have found me faithful…” What a statement of belief about herself. There is something beautiful about a believer confident in their new identity.
Lydia comes to the realisation that she has the capacity to help in the mission and invites Paul and Silas to live in her home. This is goodness…
Lydia was a life-giver, a companion to God’s mission, and did good in the Kingdom of God.
Acts 16:15: “If you have found me faithful…”
What responsibilities has God placed before you? What is the next “faithful” step you can take in each of these areas? List them and journal about what you sense the Lord would like you to accomplish in each one.