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Welcome to Doxa Deo Kids application and onboarding course.
We believe and pray that this will be a journey of discovering your gifts and talents as well as entrenching in a caring family that is there to train and equip you. To help you up when you fall and cheer you on as you grow to be the best version of you, you can be!
To us, the KIDS ministry is not a place where you help out or fill a gap, but a place where you make an eternal impact. A community in which you live out your calling. We come alongside parents to shape the worldview of each child to an understanding of God’s plan for their lives. In doing this we are setting them up for success as they become city changers who are impacting their families, schools and communities with the Good News of the gospel!
My prayer for you is first, that you will discover who you are in Christ, so that you are able to impart that revelation to our children.
You see:
“The Bible was not given for our information but for our transformation.”
― D.L. Moody
So if you “get-it” the children will too!
“Vision is caught not taught.”
– Unknown
Enjoy your journey!
Faithfully yours,
and the Doxa Deo KIDS Team